Igor Talwinski (1907-1983) Polish French oil painting portrait on canvas of a young woman nude Anna

Igor Talwinski oil painting portrait of young woman

€ 650

Igor Talwinski (Poland 1907- France 1983) ca 1950's

A wonderful oil painting portrait on canvas by the much loved artist Talwinski, depicting a young woman 'Anna' with black hair.
On the back a paper sticker that says: Talwinski Anna nr 32. 

Signed lower right corner. 

In fair to good condition overall, no frame. 

Dim: 55 x 46 cm 

Igor Talwinski was born in 1907 in Warsaw to Paris in 1983. Polish painter, active in England and France. He was mobilized in September 1939 and was taken prisoner by the Germans. After the liberation of the Pow camp in 1945, he settled in Paris. There, he learned the craft of painting. Igor Talwinski was a notable Polish painter who became popular in the period after 1945. After the Second World War he moved to Paris, where he lived for the rest of his career. Since 1951, he exhibited at the Paris Salon. His paintings also presented at solo shows in London and New York. He painted mostly portraits and subtle acts of young girls. His niece was the model for many of these paintings. His work is highly coveted by Fine Art collectors around the world.

Igor Talwinski (1907-1983)
Oil painting on canvas
Ca 1950’s

55 cm
46 cm